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Friday, January 06, 2012

I dedicate my life to Jesus only!

No more men in my life unless they do it right by the bible. I have had my last failed relationship... I am relearning how to do it through the bible. My last relationship, took me for my money, my heart and tried to destroy my soul. He was living with someone and played them off as disabled and a crazy person that was abusing him. He got me to feel sorry for him and carry deeply and fall in love with him. I should of listen to the holy spirit inside when he tried to warn me about chat men, and men that live with a woman. She was not his "room mate", that was only sharing expenses with him. He made her sound horrible, mean, and cruel. I fall for these men because of my sweet, kind nature. I also am co-dependent and they find me a mile away. I found the only hope I have is to follow the biblical principles.
1) Don't counsel with the Ungodly
2) Be equally Yoked
3) Be in Christian fellowship
4) Don't put temptation in front of your eyes
4) Be in the world but not of the world
5) Listen to the Holy Spirit
6) Let God bring you the Man
7) Read the bible (The Word became Flesh) He wants to fellowship with us
8) Protect our hearts
9) If they are not of Christ they are of the devil ( He says, you are either with me or against me.) means they are then with Satan.
10) Come to me all ye with heavy hearts....

I need to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and Christ is all I need

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

That is not my avon site any longer but someone's elses. Hope they are doing good on that site. I do not sell avon anylonger..but I love Avon products still.

Monday, May 04, 2009

May 4th and my weight is

May 4th and my weight is 224.4 I am on soft food and weaning off from protein shakes.
I am to have up to 60 grams of protein and I losing weight fast again. I just went throw another stall or another word for it is a plateau. It is amazing how little bit of food it takes to fill me up now.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens

Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for U.S. Citizens

More Mass Graves? Houston Expands Cemetery

More Mass Graves? Houston Expands Cemetery

[CTRL] Mass Graves Prepared for U.S. Citizens

[CTRL] Mass Graves Prepared for U.S. Citizens

The state of Colorado issued an executive order in 2000 asserting its authority to bury victims in mass graves and/or cremate bodies under emergency situations.

Plans for Mass Graves Confirmed: Government Surveying Cemetery Readiness for Flu Outbreak

Plans for Mass Graves Confirmed: Government Surveying Cemetery Readiness for Flu Outbreak: "The state of Colorado issued an executive order in 2000 asserting its authority to bury victims in mass graves and/or cremate bodies under emergency situations."

April 3rd

Lost 10 lbs since surgery,
was put on the 2nd phase of the diet on the 1st week after my
surgery not much was increased just a few more foods but
they had to be made to the constincy of baby food.
I had a cute little food processor for that.
Today I am going to go shopping for small bowls for my
1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of food measurements.

my weight was 246.3 on the day of surgery

I did gastric bypass surgery on March 25th, 2009
my weight was 246.3 on the day of surgery